How to Apply For UK Spouse Visa From Pakistan

How to Apply For UK Spouse Visa From Pakistan

Overview of the UK Spouse Visa From Pakistan

Applying for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan requires meticulous planning and adherence to a detailed process to ensure compliance with UK immigration laws. This article will guide you through the initial steps necessary to apply for a UK Spouse Visa, including eligibility, required documents, and the application process.

Eligibility Criteria

To apply for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan, you must meet several critical eligibility criteria:

  • Relationship Requirements: You must be legally married or in a civil partnership recognized in the country where it took place. Alternatively, you can apply if you have been living together in a relationship for at least two years. If you are engaged, you must plan to marry or enter into a civil partnership within six months of arriving in the UK.
  • Financial Requirements: Applicants must demonstrate they meet the minimum income threshold, which was previously £18,600 annually for the couple. In 2024, the financial requirement for the UK Spouse Visa increased significantly. As of April 11, 2024, the minimum income requirement for applicants from outside the UK rose to £29,000 annually. This change is part of a planned series of increases, with the threshold set to rise further to £34,500 later in 2024 and eventually reaching £38,700 by early 2025.  This amount increases if dependent children are also applying to join.
  • Accommodation Requirements: You must show that there will be adequate accommodation for you, your partner, and any dependents without recourse to public funds.
  • English Language Requirements: Unless exempt, you must prove your knowledge of the English language, typically through a secure English language test (SELT) from an approved provider.


The documentation required for a UK Spouse Visa application is comprehensive and must be meticulously prepared to avoid delays or rejections:

  • Proof of Relationship: This includes marriage certificates, joint bank statements, or correspondence addressed to both partners at the same address.
  • Financial Evidence: Recent pay slips, employment letters, bank statements, or tax returns may be needed to fulfill the financial requirement.
  • Accommodation Evidence: A property inspection report, tenancy agreement, or mortgage statements to prove your living arrangements are suitable.
  • English Proficiency Proof: A certificate from an approved English language test, unless you are exempt due to age or disability.

Application Process

  1. Online Application: Begin by filling out the spouse visa application form on the official UK government website. This form is detailed and requires accurate information about your background and your relationship.
  2. Application Fee and Healthcare Surcharge: After submitting the online form, you will need to pay the application fee and the Immigration Health Surcharge, which grants access to the UK’s National Health Service during your stay.
  3. Biometrics and Document Submission: You will need to schedule an appointment at a Visa Application Centre (VAC) in Pakistan (locations in Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, and Mirpur) to provide your biometrics. You can choose to upload your supporting documents online or have them scanned at the VAC for an additional fee.


Starting the application process for a UK Spouse Visa requires careful preparation and understanding of the extensive requirements. Ensuring that all documents are accurate and complete before submission is crucial to avoid delays. In the next part of this series, we will discuss the steps following the initial application, including what to expect during the processing phase and how to handle any potential challenges that may arise during your application.

Applying for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan involves understanding and navigating the application steps and preparing for possible challenges. After completing the initial application, applicants must focus on scheduling their biometrics appointment, handling their supporting documents, and understanding the timelines and decision process.

Scheduling a Biometrics Appointment

Once you have completed the online application and paid the necessary fees, the next step is to schedule an appointment to submit your biometrics. This can be done at one of the Visa Application Centres (VACs) in Pakistan, located in major cities like Islamabad, Karachi, Lahore, and Mirpur. During this appointment, you will need to provide your fingerprints and a photograph. It is crucial to bring all required documents, as missing items can delay the process.

Handling Supporting Documents

The UK Spouse Visa application requires a variety of supporting documents to demonstrate eligibility. These documents include:

  • Proof of Relationship: Such as marriage certificates and evidence of joint commitments.
  • Financial Evidence: Recent bank statements, pay slips, and other relevant financial documents to meet the new £29,000 minimum income requirement.
  • Accommodation Evidence: Proof that you have adequate and suitable accommodation in the UK.
  • English Language Proficiency: Results from an approved English language test, unless exempt.

Applicants have options for submitting these documents:

  1. Self-upload: Documents can be uploaded via the VFS Global portal prior to your biometrics appointment.
  2. Document Scanning Assistance Service: Available at the VAC for an additional fee, where your documents will be scanned and submitted by VAC staff during your appointment.

Understanding Processing Times and Decision

After submitting your biometrics and supporting documents, the application will undergo processing, which typically takes about 12 weeks if applying from outside the UK. During this period, the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) will review the submitted documents and may contact you if additional information is needed.

Handling Potential Challenges

Several challenges may arise during the application process:

  • Delays: Common causes include incomplete applications or missing documents. Ensure that all sections of the application are filled out correctly and that all required documents are provided.
  • Financial Requirement Issues: Given the recent increase in the financial threshold, ensure that your financial documentation is up-to-date and accurately reflects your income.
  • Legal Complexities: If there are complications such as previous visa refusals or discrepancies in documentation, it may be advisable to consult with an immigration lawyer.

Preparing for a Positive Outcome

While waiting for a decision, it’s wise to prepare for both a positive and negative outcome. If approved, plan for your move and integration into the UK. If the application is denied, understand the reasons for refusal and consider your options for appeal or re-application.


The process of applying for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan is complex and requires careful preparation and attention to detail. By following the outlined steps and preparing for possible challenges, applicants can enhance their chances of a successful application. The next part of this series will discuss the final steps in the application process, focusing on post-decision actions and settling in the UK.

Receiving the Decision

Once the processing period is over, you will receive a decision on your UK Spouse Visa application. This decision is typically communicated via email, and you can collect your passport from the Visa Application Centre where you provided your biometrics. If your application is approved, your passport will include a visa vignette that allows you to travel to the UK.

Post-Decision Actions

If your visa application is successful:

  • Travel Arrangements: Plan your travel to the UK. The visa vignette will usually be valid for 30 days, during which you should travel to the UK.
  • Collecting the Biometric Residence Permit (BRP): Once in the UK, you must collect your Biometric Residence Permit from a designated Post Office within 10 days of your arrival. This permit will serve as your identification and proof of your right to live and work in the UK.

Settling in the UK

Settling in the UK involves several important steps:

  • Registering with a GP: Register with a General Practitioner (GP) to access healthcare services.
  • Opening a Bank Account: Having a UK bank account will be necessary for managing finances, including receiving salaries if you are eligible to work.
  • Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities: Familiarize yourself with the rights and responsibilities that come with your visa status, including access to public services and restrictions.

Dealing with a Visa Refusal

If your application is refused:

  • Understanding the Reason for Refusal: Carefully read through the decision letter to understand why your application was denied.
  • Right to Appeal: Check if you have the right to appeal the decision. Some refusals can be appealed to the First-tier Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) in the UK.
  • Reapplication: If you do not have the right to appeal, or if your appeal is unsuccessful, consider addressing the refusal reasons and reapplying.

Legal Assistance

It can be beneficial to seek legal advice if dealing with complex issues such as appeals or reapplications. Immigration lawyers can provide guidance on the best steps to take and help ensure that any future applications or appeals are well-prepared.


Successfully applying for and obtaining a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan requires thorough preparation, adherence to detailed requirements, and patience during the processing period. Understanding each step of the process and preparing for both positive and negative outcomes can help ensure a smoother experience. Whether celebrating a successful application or considering next steps after a refusal, staying informed and proactive is key to achieving your goal of living in the UK with your spouse.

The Eligibility Criteria in Focus to Apply for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan

Applying for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan requires meeting stringent eligibility criteria established by the UK Home Office. These criteria are designed to ensure that only genuine and stable relationships lead to immigration benefits. Here, we provide an in-depth look at each eligibility criterion for the UK Spouse Visa as of 2024, reflecting recent regulatory updates.

1. Relationship Requirements

Genuine and Subsisting Relationship: Applicants must prove that their relationship with the UK sponsor is genuine and subsisting. This includes evidence of being legally married or in a civil partnership recognized in the UK. For unmarried partners, evidence of living together for at least two years in a relationship akin to marriage is required.

Legality of Relationship: The marriage or civil partnership must be legally recognized in the country where it took place. Divorce decrees or death certificates of former spouses may be required to prove the dissolution of previous relationships.

2. Financial Requirement

  • Minimum Income Threshold: As of Spring 2024, the minimum income requirement for sponsoring a spouse coming from outside the UK has been raised to £29,000 per annum. This requirement is set to increase incrementally, reaching £38,700 by January 2025.
  • Additional Dependents: There is an additional financial requirement of £3,800 for the first child and £2,400 for each subsequent child who is not a British citizen.
  • Acceptable Sources of Income: Income can be combined from various sources such as employment, self-employment, pension, and cash savings over £16,000. Specific state benefits received by the sponsor can also be considered under certain conditions.

3. Accommodation Requirements

  • Adequate Housing: Applicants must demonstrate that they have adequate accommodation in the UK without recourse to public funds. The housing must not be overcrowded by UK standards and must meet public health regulations.
  • Proof of Housing: Evidence can include property deeds, mortgage statements, rental agreements, or council tax bills to demonstrate that the living arrangement meets the necessary standards.

4. English Language Requirement

Minimum Language Proficiency: Applicants are required to provide proof of English language proficiency at a minimum of CEFR Level A1 in speaking and listening when applying for entry clearance. This can be demonstrated through various approved English language tests.

Exemptions: Certain applicants may be exempt from this requirement, including those aged 65 and over, those with a physical or mental condition that prevents them from meeting the requirement, and nationals from majority English-speaking countries.

5. Tuberculosis (TB) Test

Health Screening: Applicants from Pakistan must undergo a tuberculosis test from an approved clinic and provide a certificate that confirms they are free from TB before they apply​.

6. Immigration Status of the Sponsor

Settlement Status: The UK sponsor must be either a British or Irish citizen, have settled status in the UK (such as indefinite leave to remain or permanent residence), or have refugee status or humanitarian protection in the UK.

7. Suitability Requirements

Good Character and Relationships: Applicants must not have a criminal history that could affect their suitability to enter the UK. This includes having no relevant criminal convictions, no breaches of immigration law, and no deception in previous UK visa applications.


The eligibility criteria for a UK Spouse Visa are comprehensive and designed to verify both the legitimacy of the relationship and the ability of the couple to support themselves without public assistance. In 2024, the financial requirements in particular saw significant changes, emphasizing the UK government’s focus on financial stability for incoming spouses. Meeting these criteria requires careful preparation and understanding of the detailed documentation required by the UK Home Office. Applicants often benefit from legal advice to navigate this complex process effectively.

The Documentary Requirements in Focus to Apply for a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan

Applying for a UK Spouse Visa requires a comprehensive set of documents to support the application. These documents are critical in demonstrating the eligibility and authenticity of the applicant’s claims. Here is an in-depth look at each of the required documents for a UK Spouse Visa application from Pakistan as of 2024.

1. Passport and Travel Documents

  • Valid Passport: Applicants must provide a current passport or other valid travel documentation. This document must have at least one page that is blank on both sides for the visa.
  • Previous Passports: Any previous passports that show the applicant’s travel history, visas, and entries into other countries should also be included to provide a complete immigration history.

2. Proof of Relationship

  • Marriage or Civil Partnership Certificate: If married or in a civil partnership, the applicant must provide a marriage certificate or civil partnership registration document that is recognized by the country in which it was issued.
  • Proof of a Genuine Relationship: Applicants should provide evidence showing that their relationship is genuine and subsisting. This can include joint bank statements, correspondence addressed to both partners, photographs together, and other documents that show the relationship over time.

3. Financial Evidence

  • Income Evidence: To meet the financial requirement, applicants need to provide evidence of earning at least £29,000 per year or the equivalent in savings. This can include six months of pay slips, bank statements, and employment letters. For those using cash savings, evidence of savings amounting to at least £88,500 is required to meet the financial criteria without income.
  • Additional Financial Responsibilities: If applying with dependent children, additional financial evidence must be provided to cover £3,800 for the first child and £2,400 for each additional child​.

4. Accommodation Evidence

Housing Documents: Applicants must show that they will have adequate accommodation in the UK. This includes a housing inspection report, mortgage documents, or a tenancy agreement that confirms the living space meets UK living standards without being overcrowded or violating public health regulations​.

5. English Language Requirement

English Proficiency Test Results: Most applicants need to prove their knowledge of the English language by passing a Secure English Language Test (SELT) from an approved provider. The test result must meet at least CEFR Level A1 unless the applicant is exempt due to age, disability, or nationality.

6. Tuberculosis (TB) Test Certificate

Health Certificate: Applicants from Pakistan must provide a TB test certificate from an approved clinic showing that they are free from tuberculosis. This is mandatory for all applicants coming to the UK for more than 6 months from a country where TB testing is required.

7. Previous Immigration History

Visa Refusals and Immigration Correspondence: Any previous visa applications, visa refusals, or other immigration correspondences must be disclosed. This includes documentation from other countries as well as the UK.

8. Sponsor’s Documents

  • Proof of Status: The UK sponsor must provide evidence of their immigration status in the UK, such as a British passport, Indefinite Leave to Remain document, or proof of permanent residence.
  • Financial Documents: It’s also essential for the sponsor to provide financial evidence if their income is being counted towards meeting the financial requirement.

9. Biometric Confirmation

Biometric Information: Applicants need to provide biometric information, including fingerprints and a digital photograph, which is typically collected at a Visa Application Centre (VAC).

10. Additional Supporting Documents

  • Children’s Documents: If children are included in the application, their birth certificates and evidence of relationship to the applicant and the sponsor are necessary.
  • Letter of Support: A detailed and personal letter from the sponsor expressing the history and commitment of the relationship can be beneficial.


The documentation required for a UK Spouse Visa application is extensive and requires careful preparation to ensure compliance with UK immigration rules. Each document serves a specific purpose in establishing the applicant’s eligibility and intent. Properly gathering and presenting these documents is crucial to the success of the application, often requiring meticulous attention to detail and thorough understanding of the requirements.

How Can a Visa Consultant Help You Maximize the Chances of Getting a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan

Applying for a UK Spouse Visa can be a daunting task due to its complex requirements and stringent scrutiny by the UK Home Office. A visa consultant specializing in UK immigration can play a crucial role in enhancing your chances of approval. Here’s how their expertise and services can benefit your application process:

1. Expert Guidance on Eligibility and Requirements

  • Understanding Complex Requirements: Visa consultants are well-versed in the ever-changing immigration laws and can provide up-to-date advice on the current requirements for a UK Spouse Visa. They can help you understand complex aspects like the financial requirement, which recently increased to £29,000 annually, and is expected to rise further.
  • Personalized Eligibility Assessment: Consultants assess your specific situation to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria, including relationship proof, financial thresholds, and English language requirements. They ensure that you understand each requirement in depth, which is crucial for preparing a robust application.

2. Document Preparation and Review

  • Comprehensive Document Checklist: Visa consultants provide a detailed checklist of required documents tailored to your particular case. This includes guidance on how to obtain and format documents such as marriage certificates, financial evidence, and proof of English proficiency.
  • Review and Optimization of Documentation: They meticulously review your documents to ensure they meet the UK Home Office standards. Consultants can also help in explaining complex financial documents and suggest ways to consolidate financial evidence to meet the stringent requirements.

3. Application Filing and Management

  • Streamlining the Application Process: Consultants assist in filling out the application forms correctly, which is vital as minor errors can lead to delays or rejections. They ensure that all information is accurate and consistent across documents and forms.
  • Handling Communications: They manage all communications with the UK Visas and Immigration (UKVI) on your behalf, including responding to queries and requests for additional information, which can be critical in avoiding application pitfalls.

4. Preparing for Interviews

Interview Preparation: If an interview is required, consultants can prepare you by conducting mock interviews. They provide insights into the types of questions asked and advice on how to answer them effectively, focusing on demonstrating the genuineness of your relationship and your intent to live in the UK.

5. Legal Representation and Compliance

  • Legal Representation: Some consultants are qualified solicitors who can legally represent you in dealings with the UK Home Office. They can advocate on your behalf, particularly in complex cases, such as those involving previous immigration history or legal intricacies.
  • Ensuring Legal Compliance: They ensure that your application complies with UK immigration laws and policies. This is crucial for avoiding legal issues that might complicate or jeopardize your application.

6. Post-Submission Support and Planning

  • Tracking Application Progress: Consultants track the progress of your application and keep you informed of any updates or changes. They can intervene if there are undue delays or if additional documentation is required.
  • Planning for Arrival: Upon successful application, consultants often provide advice on next steps, such as planning your move, understanding your rights and responsibilities in the UK, and integrating into a new culture.

7. Appeal and Reapplication Support

Handling Rejections: In the unfortunate event of a visa rejection, consultants analyze the refusal reasons provided by the UKVI. They can guide you on whether to appeal the decision or reapply, and help prepare a stronger application or appeal by addressing the cited issues.


Utilizing the services of a visa consultant can significantly enhance your chances of successfully obtaining a UK Spouse Visa from Pakistan. Their expert guidance, meticulous document preparation, and comprehensive application management can mitigate the stress and uncertainty often associated with the visa application process. In a landscape of stringent immigration requirements and frequent policy changes, having a professional by your side can be invaluable in navigating the complexities of UK immigration.


Q1: What are the specific financial documents required for the UK Spouse Visa application?

A1: Financial documents must include six months of bank statements, pay slips from employment, and a letter from the employer stating the job title, salary, and length of employment. If using savings, applicants must show that they have held the required amount for at least six months prior to the application.

Q2: Can the financial requirement be met using property rental income?

A2: Yes, rental income can be considered towards the financial requirement, provided it is documented with rental agreements and proof of income received, such as bank statements or a profit and loss account prepared by an accountant.

Q3: How long does the TB test certificate remain valid for a UK Spouse Visa application?

A3: The TB test certificate is valid for six months. Applicants must ensure that their visa application is submitted before the certificate expires.

Q4: Are there any additional fees involved in the UK Spouse Visa process apart from the application fee?

A4: Yes, applicants may need to pay for the Immigration Health Surcharge, biometric fees, and possibly additional fees for priority processing or document scanning services at Visa Application Centres.

Q5: Can I include my children in my UK Spouse Visa application?

A5: Yes, children can be included in your UK Spouse Visa application as dependents if they are under 18 years old, or if they are over 18 and still dependent on you.

Q6: What is the process for collecting my Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) once I arrive in the UK?

A6: You must collect your BRP from a designated Post Office within 10 days of your arrival in the UK. The specific collection location will be indicated in your visa decision letter.

Q7: What should I do if my UK Spouse Visa application is refused?

A7: If your application is refused, you should review the reasons for refusal outlined in the decision letter. Depending on the grounds of refusal, you can either appeal the decision if you have the right to do so or address the issues and reapply.

Q8: Is it possible to extend my stay on a UK Spouse Visa?

A8: Yes, you can apply to extend your stay in the UK under a Spouse Visa. This typically involves demonstrating continued adherence to the eligibility criteria, including the relationship and financial requirements.

Q9: What kind of support letter should the UK sponsor provide?

A9: The sponsor should provide a letter detailing the nature of your relationship, including how you met, the timeline of your relationship, and your plans for the future in the UK. This letter supports the claim of a genuine and subsisting relationship.

Q10: Are interviews always required for UK Spouse Visa applications?

A10: Not always, but an interview can be requested by UK Visas and Immigration if they need more information or clarification about your application.

Q11: Can I work in the UK on a Spouse Visa?

A11: Yes, individuals on a Spouse Visa are allowed to work in the UK without restrictions during their stay.

Q12: How do I prove my English language proficiency for the UK Spouse Visa application?

A12: You can prove your English proficiency by passing a SELT (Secure English Language Test) from an approved provider, showing a degree taught in English, or providing evidence of exemption based on nationality or disability.

Q13: What happens if I don’t collect my BRP within 10 days of arriving in the UK?

A13: Failure to collect your BRP within 10 days can lead to fines or issues with your legal status in the UK. If you anticipate a delay, contact the Home Office immediately to explain your situation.

Q14: Can the English language requirement be waived?

A14: Yes, the requirement can be waived for applicants over 65 years old, those with long-term physical or mental conditions, or nationals from certain English-speaking countries.

Q15: What accommodations are considered adequate for the UK Spouse Visa application?

A15: Adequate accommodation means that it is not overcrowded by UK standards and free from public health hazards. You must provide evidence such as property deeds or rental agreements.

Q16: How long is the processing time for a UK Spouse Visa application from Pakistan?

A16: Processing times can vary, but typically it takes about 12 weeks for applications from outside the UK. Expedited processing may be available for an additional fee.

Q17: What if I change my address during the UK Spouse Visa application process?

A17: You must inform the Home Office immediately if you change your address during the application process to avoid any communication issues.

Q18: Are same-sex partners eligible for theUK Spouse Visa?**

A18: Yes, same-sex partners are eligible for the UK Spouse Visa. They must meet the same requirements as opposite-sex couples, proving that their relationship is genuine and recognized under UK law.

Q19: What fees are associated with the UK Spouse Visa application?

A19: The main fees include the visa application fee, the Immigration Health Surcharge, and potentially additional charges for priority services or document processing. These fees can vary, so it’s important to check the latest amounts on the official UK government website.

Q20: What are common reasons for UK Spouse Visa application refusals?

A20: Common reasons include failure to meet the financial requirement, lack of adequate accommodation, insufficient proof of a genuine relationship, or previous immigration violations. Understanding these potential pitfalls can help you better prepare your application.

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