UK Skilled Worker Visa


Skilled Worker Visa

An Overview of Skilled Worker Visa

The Skilled Worker Visa is a conduit for qualified professionals around the globe to seek employment in the United Kingdom (UK). Replacing the Tier 2 (General) work visa, this permit is tailored for individuals who have received a job offer for a skilled position from an approved employer in the UK​1​​2​​3​. The essence of this visa is to ensure a steady influx of expertise and talent to fill the various skilled job vacancies and contribute to the UK’s thriving economy.

Who is this Visa For?

The Skilled Worker Visa is designed for international expatriate workers looking to take up eligible skilled jobs within the UK’s shores. It’s a beacon for those aiming to engage in meaningful employment, thereby contributing their quota to the UK’s labor market and by extension, its economy​​.

Delineating Skilled Work

Skilled work, in the context of this visa, refers to jobs that require a certain level of expertise, education, or training. The UK Home Office has provided a list of eligible occupations which applicants can refer to, ensuring they fall within the purview of ‘skilled’ as defined by the immigration rules.

Points-based System

A central feature of the Skilled Worker Visa is the Points-based System. To be considered for this visa, an applicant needs to amass a total of 70 points. There are 50 mandatory points awarded for having a sponsor, a job offer at an appropriate skill level, and proficiency in the English language. Additionally, there are 20 tradeable points which are primarily based on the salary offered by the UK employer. These points are grouped under various options (A to F), allowing a certain flexibility in meeting the salary threshold​​.

Salary Thresholds

The salary requisites play a pivotal role in the points accumulation. Till March 2024, the minimum salary threshold has been pegged at £26,200 per annum or £10.10 per hour, whichever is higher. It’s imperative to note that some occupations have a higher “going rate,” and in such instances, the salary offered must align with this rate​. From April 2024, it has been raised to 29,500. 

Employer Approval

A cornerstone of the Skilled Worker Visa is the job offer from an approved UK employer. The employer must be sanctioned by the Home Office, ensuring they adhere to the stipulated immigration rules and have a genuine need for skilled labor. This approval signifies a level of trust and compliance, making the process transparent and fair​.

The Skilled Worker Visa is more than just a permit; it’s a pathway for skilled individuals worldwide to contribute their expertise to the UK’s burgeoning job market. The meticulous structuring of the eligibility criteria ensures that only qualified individuals, ready to contribute positively to the UK’s economy, are granted this prized visa. As we delve deeper in the subsequent sections, we’ll explore the eligibility criteria and the application process, providing a holistic understanding of the Skilled Worker Visa enroute to the UK.

Purpose of the Visa

The United Kingdom (UK) has long been a hub of professional opportunities attracting talents from across the globe. The Skilled Worker Visa serves as a gateway for skilled professionals aspiring to contribute their expertise to the UK’s diversified job market. This visa is a testament to the UK’s open invitation to global talents, ensuring a steady influx of expertise necessary for its economic and social growth.

Bridging Talent Gaps

One of the primary purposes of the Skilled Worker Visa is to bridge the talent gaps prevailing in various sectors of the UK economy. It facilitates the entry of skilled workers into fields that are experiencing a shortage of local talent, ensuring that key sectors continue to thrive and contribute significantly to the economy.

Fostering Economic Growth

By attracting skilled professionals from around the globe, the Skilled Worker Visa plays a pivotal role in fostering economic growth. The fresh perspectives, diverse skills, and innovative approaches brought in by international workers spur innovation and competitiveness, driving businesses and the economy at large towards a trajectory of sustained growth.

Enhancing Cultural Exchange

The visa serves as a conduit for cultural exchange, fostering a multicultural work environment. The interaction between locals and international skilled workers cultivates a diverse and inclusive work culture, which is not only enriching but also instrumental in fostering creativity and global understanding.

Addressing Labour Market Needs

The Skilled Worker Visa is tailored to address the evolving needs of the UK labour market. It ensures that employers have access to a wider talent pool to meet their recruitment needs, thereby ensuring that the UK remains competitive on the global stage.

Upholding Regulatory Compliance

The structured eligibility criteria and application process of the Skilled Worker Visa ensure that only qualified and compliant individuals are granted entry into the UK. This upholds the country’s immigration laws and regulatory standards, ensuring a systematic and fair process for all aspiring applicants.

Facilitating Long-Term Settlement

For many, the Skilled Worker Visa is not just a ticket to short-term employment but a stepping stone towards long-term settlement in the UK. It provides an avenue for skilled workers to build a life in the UK, extending benefits beyond employment to integration and permanent residency over time.

The UK Skilled Worker Visa is more than just an entry permit; it’s a well-thought-out initiative aimed at meeting the UK’s economic and social objectives. By opening its doors to global talent, the UK is not only addressing immediate labour market needs but also laying a solid foundation for long-term economic sustainability and social enrichment. Through this visa, the UK continues to affirm its position as a desirable destination for skilled professionals worldwide, keen on making a significant impact in their respective fields.

What Can You Do On this Visa?

Embarking on Employment

The cornerstone of the UK Skilled Worker Visa is to facilitate employment with a sponsoring employer in the UK. Visa holders are mandated to work in the job role specified in their Certificate of Sponsorship, contributing their expertise to the UK’s workforce.

Skill Augmentation

The visa environment provides a fertile ground for enhancing one’s skills and competencies. Visa holders can leverage the professional ecosystem in the UK to broaden their knowledge base, gain international work experience, and advance their careers.

Educational Pursuits

Though primarily aimed at employment, the Skilled Worker Visa does not preclude visa holders from engaging in educational pursuits. They can enroll in courses or professional development programs to further their education or upskill.

Family Reunion

The UK Skilled Worker Visa has provisions for family reunification. Visa holders can apply to bring their dependents, including a spouse or partner and children under 18, to live with them in the UK.

Community Engagement

Engaging with the local community is a pathway towards cultural assimilation and building meaningful connections. Visa holders are encouraged to participate in community activities, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.

Travel Within the UK

The visa accords the freedom to travel within the boundaries of the UK, exploring the rich heritage, scenic beauty, and diverse cultures that the nation has to offer.

Exploring Permanent Residency

Over time, Skilled Worker Visa holders may be eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) in the UK, paving the way towards permanent residency and further integrating into the social and economic fabric of the country.

Through the Skilled Worker Visa, individuals are not only able to contribute professionally but also grow personally, embracing a myriad of opportunities that enhance life in the UK.

What You Cannot Do On this visa

Employment Limitations

While the Skilled Worker Visa facilitates employment, it restricts visa holders to working only for their sponsoring employer in the designated job role. Engaging in employment outside of these parameters without the requisite permissions is prohibited.

Public Funds Access

Access to public funds is a restriction placed on Skilled Worker Visa holders. They are not entitled to claim most benefits, allowances, or public housing that are funded by the UK government.

Starting a Business

The Skilled Worker Visa does not grant the permission to start or run a business, or work as a self-employed individual in the UK. Those aspiring to embark on entrepreneurial ventures would need to explore other visa routes.

Change of Employment

Any change in employment, including switching employers or job roles, requires a new application and approval process. Visa holders must secure a new job offer and Certificate of Sponsorship from the new employer, and may need to re-apply for a Skilled Worker Visa.

Medical Practice

Skilled Worker Visa holders, who are on a path to become doctors or dentists in training, cannot pursue a career in medical practice unless they have a primary degree in medicine or dentistry from a UK institution or an institution that provides courses of a comparable standard.


Overstaying beyond the visa validity period without securing an extension or switching to a different visa category is a breach of UK immigration laws.

Study Restrictions

While some educational pursuits are permissible, there may be restrictions on the level and type of study visa holders can engage in, particularly if it interferes with the job role for which the visa was granted.

The UK Skilled Worker Visa comes with a set of well-defined boundaries aimed at maintaining the integrity of the UK’s immigration system and ensuring that visa holders adhere to the stipulated terms and conditions during their stay in the UK.

Key Takeaways of this visa

Pathway to Employment

The UK Skilled Worker Visa presents a clear pathway for skilled professionals to secure employment in the UK, thereby contributing to the nation’s workforce and broader economic landscape.

Skill Development Avenue

This visa serves as a catalyst for professional growth and skill development. It provides an avenue for individuals to enhance their competencies, gain international exposure, and propel their careers forward in a globally recognized work environment.

Family Reunification

An attractive feature of the Skilled Worker Visa is the provision for family reunification. It allows visa holders to bring their dependents to the UK, facilitating a family-centric approach to immigration.

Regulatory Compliance

The structured eligibility and application process of the Skilled Worker Visa underscore the UK’s commitment to maintaining a high level of regulatory compliance in its immigration system.

Cultural Exchange Platform

By bringing together individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds, the Skilled Worker Visa fosters a multicultural work environment, enhancing cultural exchange and global understanding.

Stepping Stone to Residency

The Skilled Worker Visa could serve as a stepping stone towards securing permanent residency in the UK. Over time, visa holders may become eligible to apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR), moving closer to making the UK their long-term home.

Defined Boundaries

With well-outlined restrictions, the Skilled Worker Visa sets clear boundaries on permissible and non-permissible activities, ensuring that visa holders are well-informed and adhere to the UK’s immigration laws.

The UK Skilled Worker Visa is a well-thought-out initiative designed to meet the mutual interests of the UK and skilled professionals worldwide. It offers a structured approach towards skilled immigration, balancing the aspirations of individuals with the broader economic and social objectives of the UK.


The Eligibility Criteria For Skilled Worker Visa for the UK

The journey towards securing a Skilled Worker Visa for the UK begins with understanding and meeting the set eligibility criteria. These criteria are meticulously structured to ensure that only individuals with the requisite skills and qualifications make their way to the UK’s thriving job market. Here’s a breakdown of the eligibility requisites:

Point Based System

The UK’s Skilled Worker Visa operates on a points-based system designed to assess applicants based on specific criteria, ensuring they meet the requirements to fill jobs in the UK. To be eligible for the visa, applicants must accumulate a total of 70 points, which are allocated for meeting certain mandatory and tradeable characteristics.

Mandatory Criteria (50 Points):

  1. Offer of Job by Approved Sponsor (20 Points): Applicants must have a job offer from an employer who is an approved sponsor by the Home Office.
  2. Job at Appropriate Skill Level (20 Points): The job offer must be at a skill level of RQF3 or above (equivalent to A level). The Home Office provides a list of eligible occupations.
  3. English Language Proficiency (10 Points): Applicants must prove their knowledge of English by passing an approved English language test at B1 level or higher, or by having an eligible degree taught in English.

Tradeable Characteristics (20 Points Required):

These points can be earned through various combinations of salary, qualifications, and job characteristics that meet the national economic needs or are in a shortage occupation:

  • Salary Thresholds: Earning a salary higher than the general threshold of £25,600 per year (from 4th of April 2024 it is changing to £29,600) or the specific salary requirement for their occupation (whichever is higher) can provide additional points. Lower salaries, down to a minimum of £20,480, may still qualify if other criteria are met, such as working in a shortage occupation.
  • Job in a Shortage Occupation (20 Points): If the job is on the Shortage Occupation List, applicants earn extra points. These occupations are identified as having shortages that cannot be filled by the resident workforce.
  • PhD Qualifications: Points can be awarded for holding a PhD in a subject relevant to the job, with more points given if the PhD is in a STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) subject.

This points-based system is designed to be flexible, allowing for various combinations of skills, qualifications, and salaries to meet the 70-point threshold. The aim is to attract skilled workers who can contribute to the UK economy while ensuring that jobs are filled in sectors experiencing labor shortages.

Skill Level Requirement

At the core of the eligibility criteria is the skill level requirement. Applicants must possess skills equivalent to RQF level 3 or above. This ensures that the individual has a solid foundation of expertise and knowledge to contribute positively to their respective fields.

The Regulated Qualifications Framework (RQF) is a UK-specific framework that catalogs all qualifications regulated by Ofqual in England, CCEA Regulation in Northern Ireland, and Qualifications Wales in Wales. The RQF system is designed to offer learners, employers, and education professionals a clear and consistent understanding of the level of demand and achievement represented by different qualifications.

RQF Level 3 qualifications are equivalent to an A level, Advanced Apprenticeship, or NVQ Level 3. They are set at a level where learners are expected to have achieved a certain standard of learning that enables them to apply knowledge, skills, and understanding within a range of work environments and sectors. These qualifications are often used as a benchmark for entry into higher education and advanced professional training.

Salary Threshold

The salary offered by the UK employer plays a pivotal role in determining eligibility. The minimum salary requirement is set at £26,200 per annum or £10.10 per hour, whichever is higher. However, if the job in question has a higher “going rate,” the salary offered must match or exceed this rate. It’s important to note that different sources mention a slight variation in the minimum salary requirement, some quoting a minimum of £27,000 annually. From April 2024, it has been raised to £29,500.

English Language Proficiency

Mastery of the English language is another crucial eligibility criterion. Applicants must demonstrate a proficient level of English to ensure smooth communication within the workplace and the broader community.

The current English proficiency requirement for the UK Skilled Worker Visa is as follows:

  1. Level of English Required: Applicants must prove their ability to read, write, speak, and understand English to at least level B1 on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) scale. This can be demonstrated by:

    • Passing a Secure English Language Test (SELT) from an approved provider.
    • Having a GCSE, A level, Scottish National Qualification level 4 or 5, Scottish Higher or Advanced Higher in English, obtained through study at a UK school started before the age of 18.
    • Having a degree-level academic qualification that was taught in English. If studied abroad, confirmation is needed through Ecctis (formerly UK NARIC) to verify that the qualification is equivalent to a UK bachelor’s degree, master’s degree, or PhD​​.
  2. Exemptions: Certain individuals are exempt from proving their knowledge of English, including:

    • Nationals from specific countries such as Antigua and Barbuda, Australia, Canada, New Zealand, USA, and several others.
    • Professionals like doctors, dentists, nurses, midwives, or vets who have already passed an English Language assessment accepted by the relevant regulated professional body. Vets may need to prove they passed an assessment with the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons​​​.

These requirements are designed to ensure that skilled workers have sufficient language proficiency to effectively communicate and perform in their roles in the UK.

Financial Self-sufficiency

To show financial independence, applicants are required to have at least £1,270 in their bank account. This financial cushion is necessary to ensure that the individual can support themselves during their initial time in the UK.

Job Offer from an Approved Employer

Central to the eligibility criteria is having a job offer from a UK employer who holds a valid sponsor license. This job offer must meet the skill level requirement and be on the list of eligible occupations for skilled work.

Certificate of Sponsorship

Along with a job offer, applicants must possess a ‘certificate of sponsorship’ (CoS) from their employer. This certificate outlines the offered role and affirms the employer’s intent to hire the individual for the specified position.

Health and Maintenance Funds

Certain health checks, such as Tuberculosis testing, may be required depending on the applicant’s country of origin. Additionally, maintenance funds may be assessed to ensure the applicant can sustain themselves financially while in the UK.

Additional Points

The UK operates a points-based immigration system where applicants must score at least 70 points to be eligible for the Skilled Worker Visa. Points are awarded based on the job offer, skill level, English proficiency, and salary threshold among other criteria.

Meeting the eligibility criteria is the first significant step towards a successful Skilled Worker Visa application. It sets the stage for the application process, ensuring that only qualified and capable individuals make their way to the UK’s vibrant and diverse job market. Understanding and satisfying these criteria are paramount for aspiring applicants, setting a strong precedent for the subsequent application process detailed in the next section.


Navigating the Application Process For the UK Skilled Worker Visa

Embarking on the quest for a Skilled Worker Visa entails a meticulously outlined application procedure. This final section unveils the steps involved in applying for a Skilled Worker Visa, ushering you closer to your aspiration of working in the UK. Here’s a step-by-step walkthrough of the application journey:

Step 1: Determine Your Visa Necessity

Before delving into the application process, ensure you require a UK visa and ascertain the type of visa you need. It’s fundamental to have a job offer from an approved UK employer prior to applying for a Skilled Worker Visa.

Step 2: Job Offer and Certificate of Sponsorship

The genesis of your application journey hinges on securing a job offer and obtaining a Certificate of Sponsorship (COS) from your prospective employer. The COS is a pivotal document detailing the role you’ve been offered.

Step 3: Document Preparation

Gear up for the application by gathering all requisite documents. This includes your passport, proof of English language proficiency, financial documents, and any other documents stipulated by the UK Home Office.

Step 4: Biometric Information

Applicants are required to provide their fingerprints and photograph at a visa application centre for a Biometric Residence Permit. Alternatively, the ‘UK Immigration: ID Check’ app can be utilized to scan your biometric information.

Step 5: Application Fee Payment

The next stride involves paying the application fee. The standard fee ranges from £719 to £1,500 depending on your circumstances. A concession in the fee is granted if your job is listed on the occupation shortage list. Besides, an annual healthcare surcharge which is usually £1,035 per year, has to be paid.

Step 6: Online Application

Forge ahead by completing the online application form available on the official UK government website. Ensure all details are accurately filled out, and all necessary documents are uploaded.

Step 7: Visa Processing

Upon submission, your application will undergo a rigorous review process. It’s crucial to adhere to any additional requests for information or documents from the UK Home Office during this phase.

Step 8: Await Decision

Once the processing is concluded, a decision will be relayed to you. Positive outcomes will be accompanied by instructions on the next steps, such as visa collection and any other pertinent guidelines.

Step 9: Visa Collection

Collect your visa and make arrangements for your journey to the UK. It’s advisable to review and comply with all visa conditions and UK immigration laws to ensure a smooth transition.

Step 10: Welcome to the UK

With your Skilled Worker Visa in hand, step onto UK soil and commence your exciting new career chapter. Remember, adhering to the visa conditions and UK laws is paramount for a hassle-free stay.

This methodical application process is a testament to the UK’s commitment to inviting skilled professionals while maintaining a high level of regulatory compliance. Each step is a milestone towards achieving your dream of contributing your skills to the UK’s vibrant job market. Armed with this knowledge, you’re now well-prepared to navigate the application terrain, steering closer to your UK work aspirations.


Studying a Course in the UK Under Skilled Worker Visa

The UK Skilled Worker Visa, primarily designed for employment purposes, provides a gateway for skilled professionals to contribute to the UK’s labour market. However, it also holds a ray of opportunity for those looking to further their education while working in the UK. Here’s a glimpse into the possibilities and considerations surrounding studying a course in the UK under a Skilled Worker Visa.

Balancing Work and Study

The Skilled Worker Visa allows for a balanced approach towards work and study. While fulfilling their employment obligations, visa holders can also enroll in courses that augment their skills and knowledge, making them more adept in their professional fields.

Flexible Learning Options

The UK’s education system offers a myriad of flexible learning options. Visa holders can explore part-time courses, online learning, or evening classes that can be dovetailed with their work schedules. This flexibility facilitates continuous learning without compromising their employment commitments.

Professional Development

Pursuing additional qualifications or professional development courses can be a significant boost to one’s career. The Skilled Worker Visa provides the leeway for individuals to engage in professional development, further honing their skills and opening doors for career advancement.

Networking Opportunities

Engaging in academic pursuits alongside work provides a fertile ground for networking. It’s a chance to interact with professionals from various fields, gain insights from seasoned academics, and build a network that could be instrumental in career growth.

Access to Renowned Institutions

The UK is home to numerous prestigious educational institutions. The Skilled Worker Visa provides a gateway to access these institutions, enabling individuals to learn from the crème de la crème of academia.

While the primary aim of the Skilled Worker Visa is employment, the opportunity to pursue academic endeavours adds a feather to its cap. It’s a conducive avenue for individuals keen on balancing professional commitments with continuous learning, thereby nurturing a culture of lifelong learning and professional growth.


Medical Treatments Under the UK Skilled Worker Visa

The UK Skilled Worker Visa, predominantly tailored for employment, also opens avenues for educational pursuits. Visa holders can balance their job roles with part-time studies, enriching their professional journey. The flexible learning options in the UK, including online and evening courses, allow individuals to dovetail their academic endeavors with work commitments. This visa serves as a conduit for professional development, enabling individuals to enroll in courses that augment their skills. Moreover, the rich educational landscape of the UK, with its prestigious institutions, becomes accessible, fostering a conducive environment for learning and growth. While networking with fellow professionals and academics, visa holders can broaden their horizons, contributing more effectively to their respective fields. Thus, the Skilled Worker Visa not only facilitates employment in the UK but also nurtures a culture of continuous learning and professional enhancement.


UK Skilled Worker Visa If You're Under 18

The UK Skilled Worker Visa is primarily aimed at skilled professionals who have secured a job offer from a recognized UK employer. However, individuals under 18 may find themselves in a unique position concerning this visa. Generally, applicants for this visa are expected to fulfill certain eligibility criteria, which include having a valid job offer and meeting the salary threshold, among others. Being under 18 might pose challenges in meeting these requirements due to age restrictions on employment. Moreover, the visa mandates a level of professional experience and qualifications which may be unattainable for individuals under 18. It’s advisable for those under 18 to explore other visa categories like student visas or child dependant visas if they have family in the UK on a Skilled Worker Visa. The UK has tailored different visa categories to meet the varied needs of individuals, ensuring a suitable pathway for everyone aiming to move to the UK.


Getting Married Under Skilled Worker Visa

The UK Skilled Worker Visa provides a structured pathway for skilled professionals to work in the UK. Additionally, it holds provisions for life events such as marriage. Visa holders can get married or form a civil partnership while on a Skilled Worker Visa. They can also apply to bring their spouse or partner to the UK as dependents, provided they meet the necessary financial and relationship requirements. This facilitates family reunification and allows visa holders to share their UK experience with their significant other. Moreover, the visa’s pathway to Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) and potential citizenship can also extend to the spouse, aligning the family’s immigration status. This aspect of the Skilled Worker Visa underscores the UK’s commitment to fostering family unity alongside professional growth, making the UK a desirable destination for skilled professionals with family considerations.


After You Have Applied for the Visa

After applying for a UK Skilled Worker Visa, await confirmation. It may take up to three weeks or longer, so be patient. Keep track of your application status online. Meanwhile, start preparing for your trip by researching about local customs, laws, and places you’d like to visit. It’s also essential to organise travel insurance covering health, travel delays, and losses. If you’ve not booked your flights and accommodations, wait and DO NOT buy ticket until your visa is approved to avoid potential losses. Remember to pack essential documents, including your passport with your visa, proof of financial sustenance, and return tickets. Lastly, make sure your passport validity extends beyond your travel dates.


Visa Fee and Processing Time

The cost and processing time for the UK Skilled Worker Visa can vary based on several factors including the duration of stay, whether the job is on the shortage occupation list, and whether the application is made from within or outside the UK. Here’s a detailed breakdown:


Visa Fees:

The standard application fee for a Skilled Worker Visa ranges between £719 to £1,500 depending on the applicant’s circumstances. If the job is on the shortage occupation list, the fee is reduced to £551 for up to 3 years and £1,084 for more than 3 years​​.

It’s important to note that as of 4th October 2023, there has been a significant increase in visa fees, although the exact amount was not specified​​.


Healthcare Surcharge:

In addition to the visa fee, applicants are required to pay a healthcare surcharge of £624 per year. This surcharge is expected to increase later in 2023 or early 2024 to £1,035 per person per year​​.


Self-Support Funds:

Applicants need to have at least £1,270 in their bank account to show they can support themselves in the UK, unless they are exempt or their employer can cover these costs during the first month in the UK​​.


Processing Time:

The average processing time for Skilled Worker Visa applications in the UK is 11 weeks as of 2023. However, the UKVI aims to return to an 8-week service standard. For applicants outside the UK, the usual processing time is 3 weeks. Due to the war in Ukraine and high global demand for visas, the processing time for applications to switch into or extend a Skilled Worker Visa is around 9 weeks​​.

This information provides a comprehensive view of the costs and processing time associated with the UK Skilled Worker Visa, giving a clear picture to prospective applicants on what to expect.


Tracking Progress on Your Visa Application

Though there is no standard and easy way to track your visa application, you can ask for the concerned authorities for an update on your visa application. But you should not expect a quick response.


Getting a Decision on the Visa Application

In most of the cases you are informed about the decision on your visa application by the email for which the email address you gave during your visa application, is used. If you have requested an SMS alert service, you will also get an alert about the completion of your visa application processing process through an SMS.


What to Do if the Visa is Refused

Facing a refusal for the UK Skilled Worker Visa can be disheartening, but it’s not the end of the road. It’s crucial to understand the reasons for refusal, which are usually outlined in the refusal letter. Common grounds may include insufficient documentation, failing to meet the eligibility criteria, or issues with the sponsoring employer. Applicants have the option to appeal the decision or address the issues highlighted and re-apply. Seeking legal advice is advisable to better understand the refusal and the steps forward. Each re-application should be accompanied by a thorough review of the application against the outlined eligibility criteria to enhance the chances of approval in subsequent attempts.


Extending Your Stay Under the UK Skilled Worker Visa

The UK Skilled Worker Visa serves as a pathway for skilled professionals aiming for a long-term career in the UK. Extending one’s stay is a feasible option under this visa. Applicants need to meet certain criteria akin to the initial application, like having a job offer from an approved employer and meeting the salary threshold. The extension process entails a new application, where individuals need to prove continued employment and adherence to the visa conditions. The standard fee for extending the visa ranges from £827 for up to 3 years, to £1,500 for more than 3 years. It’s advisable to initiate the extension process well ahead of the visa expiry to ensure a seamless continuation of one’s stay and employment in the UK. This extension feature enhances the appeal of the Skilled Worker Visa, making it a viable option for long-term career planning in the UK.


Q1: Can I switch from another visa category to the Skilled Worker Visa?

A: Yes, it’s possible to switch from certain visa categories to the Skilled Worker Visa from within the UK, provided you meet the eligibility criteria.

Q2: Is there an age requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa?

A: Applicants must be 18 years or older at the time of application for the Skilled Worker Visa.

Q3: Can I bring my family to the UK on a Skilled Worker Visa?

A: Yes, you can bring dependents including your spouse, partner, or children under 18.

Q4: Is there a limit on the number of times I can extend my Skilled Worker Visa?

A: There’s no specific limit on the number of times you can extend, as long as you continue to meet the eligibility criteria.

Q5: Do I need a new Certificate of Sponsorship for visa extension?

A: Yes, a new Certificate of Sponsorship from your employer is typically required for a visa extension.

Q6: How soon can I apply for a visa extension?

A: You can apply for an extension up to 3 months before your current visa expires.

Q7: Can I change employers while on a Skilled Worker Visa?

A: Yes, but you’ll need a new Certificate of Sponsorship and may need to apply for a new Skilled Worker Visa.

Q8: Is there a language requirement for the Skilled Worker Visa?

A: Yes, applicants need to prove their knowledge of English by passing an approved English language test or having an academic qualification taught in English.

Q9: Will I have access to public healthcare services in the UK?

A: Yes, but you’ll need to pay the healthcare surcharge as part of your visa application.

Q10: Can I settle in the UK permanently with a Skilled Worker Visa?

A: Yes, Skilled Worker Visa holders can potentially apply for Indefinite Leave to Remain (ILR) after 5 years, provided they meet the specific settlement criteria.

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